Failure to promptly correct these violations may result in legal action without further notice including, without limitation, seizure and injunction. 如否,可能会导致不再发出通知的执法行为包括,无限制的扣押和禁令。
Legal Limitation of Announcement to the Invalidation and Revocation of Administrative Action: Legal Reflection on a Case of Dispute over the Land Use Right 宣布行政行为无效与撤销的法律限制&由一起国有土地使用权纠纷案引发的法律思考
Meantime such regulations based on differences of administrative lawsuit types and administrative actions should be adopted to define the length and legal effects of administrative limitation of action. 同时根据行政诉讼类型的不同以及行政行为的不同可以对诉讼时效期间的长短和法律效果做不同规定。
Finally discussing about some procedural problems concerning legal liability of it in maritime trial such as limitation of action, jurisdiction, burden of persuasion and evidential effect etc. 最后,就无单放货法律责任程序规则问题诸如诉讼时效、管辖权、证明责任和证据效力等进行了探讨。
On the foundation of this, the author draws out the basic structure of the system of legal limitation to the privacy of public person basing on the analysis of the situation and defects of legal limitation of the privacy of public person. 基于此,笔者在分析我国公众人物隐私权法律限制的现状和缺陷的基础上,勾勒了我国公众人物隐私权法律限制制度的基本框架。
The principles of it are: It must be in legal way, it must be in a limitation. 它的实施原则是:须依法定方式,须在必要的限度内。
Law of Frontier Inspection should comprehensively normalize frontier inspection work, and clarify the legal position, the power limitation of law enforcement, the duty to bear and the issue of system in the form of law. 《边检法》应全面规范边防检查工作,并对边防检查机关的法律地位、执法权限、担负的任务及体制等问题以法律的形式予以明确规定。
A Study on Initiative Procedure of Criminal Investigation In China and Legal Limitation 论我国侦查程序的启动与法律规制
The essay discusses the indemnifying form and scope. In addition, the essay expounds the legal application of the clause of the limitation liability. 该文主要讨论了无正本提单赔偿责任的赔偿形式和赔偿范围,并对承运人责任限制在无正本提单赔偿责任中的法律适用问题作了进一步探讨。
The first chapter states the concept of administrative monopoly, the historical development and legal limitation situation of the administrative monopoly both in China and in foreign countries. 第一章说明了行政垄断的概念,从外国、中国两方面回顾了行政垄断的历史发展及其法律规制状况。
One of the origin cause of formation is suppressed by traditional legal culture. Another is the limitation of intervene in modern law. “对妇女暴力”的成因之一是传统法律文化的压制,之二是现代法律干预的局限。
The legal limitation mainly manifests in the legislation and the judicial activities, and the law still has many domains that can't be adjusted. 而法律的局限性主要体现在立法和司法活动中,并且法律仍存在其不可调整的诸多领域。
On the Legal Limitation of Supervision Power of Chinese Prosecutorial Authority 试论我国检察机关法律监督范围
The present legislative models of legal effect of limitation of action including extinguishment of right of action, extinguishment of right to win a lawsuit and extinguishment substantive rights on the face, have logical contradiction in theory which is can't be explained. 既有的关于诉讼时效法律效力立法模式中的诉权消灭、胜诉权消灭和不完全的实体权利消灭主义,存在理论上不可克服的内在逻辑矛盾。
In order to maintain the consistency in law application, when making laws, the expiration of the legal limitation, fulfilling contracts by stages, the time period for invalid litigations and whether law courts should invoke statute of limitations should be stipulated clearly. 为维护法律适用的统一性,立法时应在明确诉讼时效客体的基础上,明确规定时效中断、分期履行合同和无效民事行为的诉讼时效以及法院应否主动援引诉讼时效等问题。
The notice of transfering can become effectiveness in the condition of the party's legal status, lawsuit limitation, second transfering and the transferor's bankruptcy. 让与通知在当事人法律地位、诉讼时效、二重让与、让与人破产等诸多情况下均发挥效力;
Through analyzing the three sorts of corporation capital systems, the author considers that the strict legal capital system has its own limitation and should be reformed. 本文通过对三种公司资本制度的分析,认为我国现阶段实行的严格的法定资本制有其局限性,有必要改革。
The Legal Limitation and its Overcoming During Law Construction 论法治建设中法律的局限性及其克服
Finally introduces the stipulation about the witness 'qualification in the two big legal system's countries, and the limitation about the witness' qualification in our country. 最后介绍了两大法系国家对证人资格的规定和我国对证人资格的限制。
Issues on Chinese legal procedure on limitation of liability for maritime claims On Declining System of Civil Liability 关于海事赔偿责任限制程序有待澄清的几个问题民事责任制度之没落&论急迫中的公益诉讼制度
Right of Journalistic Interview and Its Legal Limitation 新闻采访权及其法律限制
But according to the Suggestion of Real Law and the legal theory, this limitation is not necessary. 但据《物权法建议稿》规定并依法理分析,结论是这种限制完全没有必要。
It can be found we must break the pretended limitation will of current legislation and make this kind of will come back original point of limitation system to realize the legal value of limitation system. 通过对时效制度的立法检视可以发现,要实现时效制度的法律价值,必须打破现行立法的虚假时效意志,使其最终回到时效制度的原点上。
The current legal system of land grants strict limitation to the use right circulation of the rural collective construction land, resulting in the monopoly of state-owned land for land primary market. 现行土地法律制度对农村集体建设用地使用权的流转予以了严格限制,致使土地一级市场被国有用地所垄断。
Guiding cases play an active role in making up the fuzziness of legal language and the limitation of statute law. 指导性案例对于弥补法律语言的模糊性和制定法的局限性以及规范法官的自由裁量权具有积极功能。
The feudal dross of some folk rules is not in line with modern legal system idea. Folk rules have application limitation due to their regional features. 民间规则所具有的某些封建糟粕性与现代法治理念不符,民间规则的地域性特点又决定了其适用范围的有限性。
To suit the rule of presumption can improve the efficiency of lawsuits and also restore the fact of a legal case. But for the two limitation as probability and subjectivity, to abuse the presumption rule may cause wrong case and even decayed in justice. 推定规则的适用有利于提高诉讼效率、能够在一定程度更好地还原案件事实的本来面貌,但鉴于其或然性和主观性这两点局限,如果适用不当则会增加错案率甚至滋生司法腐败。
Legal regulation of retaliatory dismissal is essentially a limitation of the right to dismiss, covering the collective and individual labor relations. 对报复性解雇进行法律规制实质上是雇主解雇权的限制问题,涵盖了集体劳动关系和个别劳动关系。
In the third and forth chapter, the paper elaborates the legal status and limitation of foreign-invested venture capital investment and foreign-invested private equity investment. 在第三章和第四章中,论文分别对于外商创业投资和外商私募股权投资的法律现状进行分析并对其缺陷做以论述。